
Season Sponsorship Opportunities

Thank you for investing time and resources in Kitsap Children’s Musical Theatre (KCMT) as a vibrant part of Kitsap’s cultural capital. You play an integral part not only in sustaining KCMT operations but in providing the opportunity for our young performers to grow and develop as the next generation’s community leaders. You are invited to join us as a season sponsor.  Our sponsors help create the foundation of community support upon which KCMT continues to build.

Please submit your ad via the form below. Payment is accepted by credit card after submitting the form.  Thank you for illuminating the youth in Kitsap County!

Number available 3 Unlimited Unlimited UnlimitedUnlimited
Donation amount $1500$750$400$250$100
Presenting sponsorship of a show weekend- generally 5 shows X
Verbal "Thank You To" announcement before the show X
Ad on digital tickets X
Banner in lobby -sponsor to provide X X
Social media shout outs on KCMT's Instagram and Facebook X X
Logo and link in footer of KCMT's newsletter X X
Logo and link on KCMT.org X X
Full-page ad in show program X X X
Half-page ad in show program X
Logo on sponsorship page in show programX
Number of tickets 12 6 2 00

Deadline for Sponsoring Charlie and The Chocolate Factory is Friday, October 4th.

For a more detailed information on the business ads available you can consult this Business Ad Spec Sheet or learn more about sponsorship levels here.

If you have questions, please reach out to sponsors@kcmt.org

Thank you to our fabulous Sponsors!